Monday, August 24, 2009

All Things Possible

There is no problem too big that God cannot change. No situation too difficult He cannot fix. God wants the best for our lives. He promises to bless us if we acknowledge Him as God. His commands are not too hard to obey. One thing that is true is that is He is a forgiving God. If we may falter, He is willing to forgive us. He said that no one who comes to Him with a contrite heart will ever be turned away (Psalm 51:17).
We are His children. He sees our hearts not our weaknesses. He is the only one that can see beyond our exterior. He goes beyond what is superficially seen and weighs our inner most thoughts. We cannot hide anything from Him. His word says in Romans 3:23… for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
This means that no one is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all have weaknesses and do what we don’t want to do at times. He still loves us. This never changes. His love is unconditional. How wonderful it is to serve a forgiving God. His love goes beyond that of our parent’s love. He gave His most precious possession in sacrifice, Jesus, His son, for the redemption of our sins. He wants us to live a happy life here on earth, and a chance to be with Him in the life that follows this one. Bottom line… God loves us. He is love. What may seem impossible for you to change is not difficult for Him. After all, He is God. He created earth, heaven, and humankind. Is there any doubt He has the power to change us. He can do it. We can’t. He said if we ask anything believing we would receive it. I tell you the truth, God can help you conquer whatever you are struggling with today. All it takes is a simple prayer to Him.
His word says in Isaiah 40:28…Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
We may become weary or tired, but He is still waiting for you to come to Him for help. He will not turn you down. You see to God you are the most precious and beautiful person in the world. He cares about you. He did not send His son Jesus to save those that were good. He came to help those who needed Him most. He truly loves and cares for “all” humanity. You are His pride and Joy. We were formed in His image. His breath gave us life. We resemble Him, our King. No one wants to sin, it is just second nature to us. We have a conscience, and most of us want to please Him. So whatever you are facing in your life today. He is willing to help you change it. He will help you overcome it. He is waiting for you to pray to Him and to ask for His help. Matthew 19:26 says… with God all things are possible.
So call on Him and He will come to help you. He is so good to us. No one can love us as much as He loves us. You see no one is willing to give his life for their friends, but He gave His life in sacrifice for sinners like you and me. His love covered our faults and sins. Never doubt His love and that you are precious to Him. He is God. We are His heirs because we believe in Him. We are victorious and there is nothing impossible because we are conquerors through Him. Believe in Him.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. –2 Peter 1:3
!Dios te ama!
God loves you!!

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